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What sustainability means to us
Sustainability means something different to everyone. Here at Eco Beach we insist that each product we sell meets certain criteria in terms of;
Is it made of materials from renewable or recycled sources that reduce the impact on the planet's finite resources;
Is it manufactured with processes and procedures that are ethically responsible and environmentally friendly;
Is it of high quality and made to last and can it be recycled at the end of its life.
All our sunglasses meet these criteria and we are proud to offer the best range of eco-friendly sunglasses you will find anywhere in the UK and beyond.

Designed For You And The Planet
Thoughtful Design
Our entire collection has been manufactured with a love of our planet, a passion for quality and a knowledge of sustainable materials science.
The materials in our sunglasses may have been dragged from the ocean floor, reclaimed from landfill or harvested from sustainable farms.